New Contest for November (Papayas)!

This is a one week contest, the deadline is November 18, 2011 the prizes are free one month memberships to my site. There’s more than one all the way up to a thousand. Anyone can enter! Ready? Cool?

First read this:

Last night at 9 pm. my husband came home from work and brought twenty ripe Hawaiian papayas, a perk of the business he’s in. I thought they were mangos, and now that I’ve tasted one, I’m not so sure I’m a fan.

Plus, today is the nine month anniversary of the day my mother died, February 11. I’m feeling a little down.

So, answer these two questions in the comments below:

1.What do you think my husband does for a living?


2. What can I do with 20 ripe papayas that I’m not sure I’m a fan of?

Happy, laugh-y, smile-y answers that lift my mood, win!

Contest ends November 18th at midnight.

Tell your friends!!!!!!

(If you’re already a member and you win I’ll add your free month to your total ;o) …

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