Everyone who answered!!!!! Thank you for playing, you all made me smile, either from hunger, delight, or just plain silliness. I appreciate that. No, my dearest hubby does not work at the zoo with the bats, but you were definitely right Megan R., he works in the film industry. He’s a set dresser and the other night he stayed late making sure a big Tel-Com giant got their commercial looking good, for some reason that I still haven’t quite figured out, it involved papayas. Lots of papayas. Because I lacked all the recipes and that you’ve since given me I cubed a whole bunch and threw it into the freezer, then I took the rest to my local homeschool co-op and watched the mamas take them home in delight. Thanks giant Tel-Com for the fruit.
I’m going to go through the names and add them to the membership roles, you should get a password in your emails!!!