Who has the best Breastfeeding Facebook Page?

…Uh, me! I can say that while still being humble because my super-fan/friend Stephanie Morales runs the page over there in the land of facebook… you may have noticed recently that she uploaded some really awesome Breastfeeding Symbols for anyone to use. Beautiful!!! (see below) Hundred or more on www.facebook.com/mama.is.comic And if you’ve never been there before, like us, why don’t ya? And if you’re not on Facebook, seriously? Come on!!!

And it got me thinking that we should nominate the facebook page that she’s been working on so tirelessly for this contest: Favorite Breastfeeding Pages and Groups on Facebook The page has my name on it so I feel weird nominating it myself. So come on guys, let’s help get Stephanie some awesome credit for the work that she does…while stopping by, why not say hi, and thank you for bringing us the news!!!

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