It’s been a while since I posted this comic, so here goes again. As seen on Democratic Underground and Huffington Post and more.
Nursing in Public- NIP
Double Standard
Once I came to the idea that the exceptions to the NO NIPPLES EVER laws, were for working nipples, you know, breastfeeding nipples, or stripping nipples. It was only a matter of second before I wondered what work do men’s nipples do? Why in the world can their idle nipples get to bask in the sun on the beach, when my nipples can’t just sit idly around? My nipples can only be uncovered if they’re hard at work, my idle nipples have to stay in their covers, lounging in their hammock, sure, but covered all the same. Don’t I need air? Here’s some reading if you want to check out more on the subject:
This is the last of the nipple nudity comics, at least for a little while, enjoy!!!!……
Kochie’s Classy Cover-Up!

Another one about David Koch of the Sunrise morning show in Australia and his terrifically uncool comments about breastfeeding in public. I read a comment that said something to the effect of: what sucks is he’s portraying himself as the one who’s being put-upon. Yes, and because he has the shine of celebrity on him he comes across as interesting, and charming, and nuanced (not to me dear friends, I don’t see that at all). Whereas the moms who are debating him in the public sphere aren’t celebrities and their tiny soundbites are getting drowned out by his endless public relations. The good news is that he’ll move on to some other gaff and we can move on to winning this fight for our babies’ rights.
This one is free too, but that doesn’t mean you don’t want a membership, memberships are awesome!!! Think of the comics, and the deep thoughts, and the special deals!
Kochie’s Pro-Breastfeeding Present

Due to the fact that this is happening right now in the news, I decided to make this comic public. If you’re new to this blog, it’s members-only to see the comics (usually) and only costs $9.99 for the whole entire year and guess what? I’ve done over 700 comics about breastfeeding, homebirth, and other attachment parenting issues. Joining is inexpensive and you get cool free things, like pdfs of books before they’re released and 25% off coupons! It pays for itself is what I’m saying!
So, here’s the deal, David Koch of the Sunrise morning show in Australia, certainly stuck his foot in his mouth when talking about how breastfeeding mothers should be discreet, and then his apology keeps making it worse. See for yourself:
TV’s Kochie faces Mother of All Protests Over Breastfeeding Row and Seven Sunrise in Damage Control over Rally There’s lots more, including an editorial he wrote in which he expresses dismay over the reaction to his words, I mean come on, he’s the biggest supporter of breastfeeding in the world, he just wants women to be ‘classy’. indeed. So in this comic, Kochie gives breastfeeding moms a present, because he’s such a big supporter, enjoy!!!!