So, where was I? My father ad brother are visitig ad the ” o my computer keyboard is broke. I’ll leave it up to you to guess which one;o) Oh, it worked agai, wait, no it didn’t. Yes, it did! Okay, I either have to go buy a new keyboard or I don’t. And yes, the ‘n’ is working again, so YAY! That was confusing, I know, but just a taste of the week I have been having. My baby turned four years old and my father turned 69 on the same day that the Easter Bunny visited our house. It was quite the spectacle, and then to make it even more exciting we went to 6 flags the next day, FUN! So, since I still have company, but have a couple of moments, here’s a comic that I created almost 2 weeks ago ;o) Please don’t forget that I have a new book for sale, going fast!!!!