Just Don’t Look

Here’s an issue, there are a few of you who are still paying a monthly fee to see my comics. Alas, this is something paypal continues to do even after I’ve turned off my end. Here’s instructions to turn off your recurring payment:
Canceling a recurring payment

If you’ll contact me with the paypal addy you use, I can send you a refund.

Mama says, “We COULD leave it up to me – and him- to be discreet…but if it bothers you it would probably be easier if you JUST DIDN’T LOOK.”…

Good “Happy FaceBook Nurse-IN” Morning!

…In Honor of today’s Facebook Nurse-In, Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene! (Official petition to Facebook) and FB! Stop harassing Emma Kwasnica over her breastfeeding pics and nursing mothers everywhere, I’m posting a comic every hour for 24 hours. I started at midnight and posted 7 here while I was sleeping, how’s that for magical? YOu know what else happened while I was sleeping? Protests in front of Facebook headquarters in London, Madrid, Dublin, here’s pics: Global Protest PicturesNow I’m awake and will be posting directly to my Facebook page, please come and check it out! http://www.facebook.com/mama.is.comic and don’t forget to add a breast-feeding photo to your profile picture! …