Kochie’s Pro-Breastfeeding Present

Due to the fact that this is happening right now in the news, I decided to make this comic public. If you’re new to this blog, it’s members-only to see the comics (usually) and only costs $9.99 for the whole entire year and guess what? I’ve done over 700 comics about breastfeeding, homebirth, and other attachment parenting issues. Joining is inexpensive and you get cool free things, like pdfs of books before they’re released and 25% off coupons! It pays for itself is what I’m saying!

So, here’s the deal, David Koch of the Sunrise morning show in Australia, certainly stuck his foot in his mouth when talking about how breastfeeding mothers should be discreet, and then his apology keeps making it worse. See for yourself:

TV’s Kochie faces Mother of All Protests Over Breastfeeding Row and Seven Sunrise in Damage Control over Rally There’s lots more, including an editorial he wrote in which he expresses dismay over the reaction to his words, I mean come on, he’s the biggest supporter of breastfeeding in the world, he just wants women to be ‘classy’. indeed. So in this comic, Kochie gives breastfeeding moms a present, because he’s such a big supporter, enjoy!!!!

Applebee’s Nurse-Ins were a Big Success!

Applebee’s Nurse-Ins Nationwide, by Peggy O’Mara Do you think they heard us? Dearest Hubby says, well truthfully a nursing baby at a table is not making a business any money, and my lovely husband thusly inspired this comic. Again, I left it public to share with everyone, next comic we go back to private – a membership is only $9.99 for a full year, and it comes with a free book download (that I’m still working on ;o)

Applebee’s Does it Again (another NIP incident)

The first was way back in 2007, and was written extensively about here: Nationwide Nurse-Ins at Applebee’s Sept. 6, 2007. I did a comic about their solution, they hoped that courtesy blankets would help. I think not.

Now, Applebee’s has done it again. Call me cynical, but I wonder that the time of year is so similar, could they be just looking to get their name in the news? Bad press is still that, press. Or do we get high-profile NIP incidents as a reaction to World Breastfeeding Week? Either way it’s the same restaurant 5 years later.

Breastfeeding Mom, Asked To Nurse In Applebee’s Bathroom and my comic:

is there a nurse-in in your area, search Applebee’s Nurse-In on Facebook and find one!
