Huge Streak of Exhibitionism

Huge Streak of Ehibitionism
Funny thing, I don’t think she was really there ;o)


“There’s a huge streak of exhibitionism in some of the women who breastfeed-they get a thrill out of whipping ’em out on the front steps of city hall, and so they do it,AND they get ugly with people who don’t want to look at that.” –comment on news story about Target nurse-in

Mama thinks: Huh? Well maybe we should step back and take another look… Oh! of course now it makes sense.


…I thought I’d post this one while I’m giddy on Target Nurse-Ins. You go, girls!

Hey, don’t forget to buy a calendar!!!! Only $14 and $3 shipping. Chock full of awesome holidays, terrific celebrations, and more comics than you can believe I can fit in only 14 pages, and what’s that? yes! The lines are straighter than last year. Did I mention the nail hole? I throw that in for free!

Calendar!    yesirree!…