Work/Life Balance.

…This comic is based on this article: the 23 best countries for work life balance, we are number 23 I literally had a HUH? moment. I get that women need and want to work outside of the home, while being moms, for a variety of different reasons. I’m not complaining about women who work or have careers, at least not here, and never in such a broad way. I’m complaining that this study is saying that work and leisure time create balance (in men and childless women, apparently), but that women who have children and are working outside of the home are also creating ‘balance’. Are they saying that mothering is something to put on a shelf while you get on with your work/life balance? Or that women are so good at multitasking that they can do three things: mothering, working full time AND getting leisure time balance? OR are they saying that working mothers just don’t need leisure time?

Can we get back to that place where being a mother/teacher/homemaker was considered enough of a job to warrant respect? Because if we could get back to that place then we could consider ways to empower women who choose that life path, we could help them to have the power, control, and means to survive in this world. Let’s do that. I have girls, I want them to have choices.


I wasn’t actually privy to this conversation, it was my Mother-In-Law who shared this story. So, you know, artistic license and all, I put myself there. I’m very happy that I have a MIL who hears this stuff and knows it’s outrageous! (Hi Suzanne!)



