There seems to be a lot of confusion in the press these days. I’ve noticed that any news story that talks about parenting has to lump attachment parents in with parents-who-are-attending-their-grown-adult-children’s-first-job-interview, with parents who are fighting tooth and nail to get their kid into a good preschool, and with parents who are yelling at their kids from the sidelines of their little league games, and with parents who can’t let their child do anything without their meddling, and parents who watch Einstein Baby videos. Any parenting style-however different from each other-that involves actually standing near your kids from time to time is now “attachment parenting” which is interchangeable in their minds with “helicopter parenting” and really not a good idea. Any parenting style which doesn’t involve being around your kids is considered perfectly acceptable. This comic tries to clear up the confusion, I know I know it’s culture wide and will take a lot more explaining I’m sure…