…Please tell me the names of your favorite comics (with a breastfeeding theme) so that I can post them that week. Those will be free for everyone to see, so pick some good ones for all to enjoy! Add their title or a good description in the comments below, and adding a comment here will enter you in all of the contests that week, lots to come!
Second, subscribe to my new site (up there, top right corner) and I’ll enter you in a drawing to win The Milk of Hathor a really fun book about all of the best breastfeeding comics. The drawing will be at the end of the week (if you’re located in far-flung places I may need you to pitch in on shipping, that means you, Australia!)
Third, become a member and you’ll be entered in a drawing for the book of your choice, signed by me. Convince a friend to become a member and you’ll get an extra entry. (send me an email with their name and email addy ;o) Plus you’ll want to see all the brand new Mama is…comic breastfeeding comics, I’ll be posting them all week. Already own all my books? (thank you!) How about a copy of my next new book (when I finish it), it’s about parenting, cool, huh?
So, comment, subscribe, become a member, convince a friend, let’s celebrate World Breastfeeding week together!