Give-AWAY: Good Life Menus!

…Around here we’re pretty good eaters, but I’m not a great cook. That’s why I’m thrilled by this new give-away:

Win one of two Six Month Subscriptions to Good Life Menus!

What is Good Life Menus?

It’s a full week of menus, with shopping lists and recipes, all coded and easy to use!


  • Seven nightly meals per week
  • One leisurely meal includes starter
  • One weekend brunch OR
  • Either one dessert or snack recipe
  • Low-carb meals suitable for most plans’ induction, around 10 net g. of carbs
  • Recipes call for no artificial sweeteners and no sugar
  • Complete shopping list categorized by aisle and coded to menu night
  • Nightly Master Plan to make sure all recipes are ready at the right time: no more frantically fixing a side while the main dish grows cold
  • Reminders on each night’s plan to remind you to marinate or thaw anything for the next night’s plan
  • Recipes use seasonal cooking techniques and seasonal ingredients
  • Recipes from a variety of cuisines and techniques, from Italian and French to modern “restaurant” American, Tex-Mex, Caribbean, Asian and more
  • Planned leftover makeovers mean you’ll be cooking less and eating better
  • Tips to help you cook better and more inexpensively
  • Access to your past archives if you’d rather cook a different or favorite dish from past menus, for the length of your subscription
  • Designed to meet the needs of families where only some of the family have special dietary considerations, without the cook having to spend all day in the kitchen making separate menus

Enter below on Rafflecopter!

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Be Back in a Bit

Thank you EVERYONE who entered in my calendar give-away, I have picked the two winners: Amelia C. and Shawna G.  There were some really lovely entries, I love hearing everyone’s resolutions, they almost exactly mirror mine ;o) Ditch soda is a good one Grace K. I did it a few years ago and am so proud of myself. Once I kicked I was able to (without hypocrisy) keep the soda out of my kids glasses too. I traded for unsweetened iced tea, in a jar. Everyone here calls it my urine sample ;o)

So anyway, Amelia C. entered twice and also first, her resolutions were: “keep calm and lactivate. (well what is the word for being an active activist anyway?)” and “Dance every day”  yes, I’m going to do those too!

and Shawna G. said, “I resolve to be in more photos with my family. This is hard because I am a photographer and always try to weasel out of being in my photos!”  This resolution is especially poignant for me, my mother passed away in February, 2011 and she left behind beautiful photo albums and scrapbooks that are full of photos of everyone else. She was so rarely in photos, it’s making me and my father very sad.  So, not only is this resolution a good one for our own self-esteem, it a gift to our children for the future.

A while ago I saw a blog post that said stop right now and take a beautiful picture of yourself. You will only be this age, on this day, in this moment. Smile! I asked for some glamour shots of myself for my birthday I was so inspired, but didn’t ever get them. So I think I should adopt this resolution, too.

It seems like Rafflecopter worked in the end, so there will be another cool giveaway this week. You guys are going to LOVE this one!

Sorry to everyone who didn’t win a calendar, kisses and hugs!




ps. I’m taking the cost of shipping off of the calendars again, hope that helps! It’s the economy baby!





A give-away, a freebie, and a business update…

…Good morning, and welcome to 2012. A time and place of hopefulness and joy. Seriously. I’m not kidding, universe, Hopefulness and JOY! Or I’m going to get tough. But since I have a role to play in how much hopefulness and joy there are, here’s some great stuff happening here right now:

See the sponsor right there, The Mother Magazine? Right on the right. See it, big and gorgeous, that ad? Click it. Check it out, the Mother Magazine, for Americans, too. Because we’ve lost our last Mothering magazine and boy do we miss it. What else are we gonna put on the coffee table when opinionated Aunt Martha visits-besides of course, Mama is Comic books ;o)

So here’s the deal,

order a subscription to The Mother Magazine and receive a free first issue, the 50th issue, Jan/Feb 2012. After you order the magazine send an email to infoUSA@themothermagazine.orgwith the code ‘freebirth’ at checkout, and the folks at the magazine will send you your free magazine!

Here’s another deal,

I have calendars for sale and right now they’re flying off the shelves, you want one, seriously you do. It’s only $14 and chock full of fun. AND, for the next few days you can try and win one in the contest that’s happening at the bottom of my page (I’m trying out rafflecopter so give it a fly and tell me what you think!) Win a calendar!

Coming up I’ve got another give-away, it’s about food, and recipes and ooops, I’m keeping it a surprise, but it will be just in time for your “I swear I’m going to cook more nutritious foods” resolution to really sink in. Just a few more days.

Finally, an introduction to some new features on my site, starting at the top right:
1. I’ve added a tip jar up there in the top right. Donations are always appreciated.
2.Just under is my Kachingle Medallion, for those of you who want to make easy, painless donations to all of your favorite websites on a monthly basis, you can join for only $5 a month and include me in your kachingling.
3. There’s the Mother Magazine, go ahead subscribe!
4. My calendar for sale.
5. My cousin-in-law’s lovely jewelry for sale, go ahead, click!
6. A petition. sign the petitions you believe in, I make $1 per signature, it’s a great way to make me a buck without really costing you anything.
7. My facebook widget, LIKE me if you haven’t, I post LOTS of news over there, check me out.
8. My Amazon shop.
9-12. A few of my new products for sale. Photos coming.
13. What I’m reading now.

So there you go, lots to do and a new comic will be posting in just a few hours,

Thank you for continuing to read the comics after all these years, your feed back means the world to me.
I’m hoping your New Year is full of the joy and happiness that the hugs of little babies bring. Big kids too.


The Winners of the Papaya Contest are…

Everyone who answered!!!!! Thank you for playing, you all made me smile, either from hunger, delight, or just plain silliness. I appreciate that. No, my dearest hubby does not work at the zoo with the bats, but you were definitely right Megan R., he works in the film industry. He’s a set dresser and the other night he stayed late making sure a big Tel-Com giant got their commercial looking good, for some reason that I still haven’t quite figured out, it involved papayas. Lots of papayas. Because I lacked all the recipes and that you’ve since given me I cubed a whole bunch and threw it into the freezer, then I took the rest to my local homeschool co-op and watched the mamas take them home in delight. Thanks giant Tel-Com for the fruit.

I’m going to go through the names and add them to the membership roles, you should get a password in your emails!!!