Nudity Laws

…In Honor of today’s Facebook Nurse-In, Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene! (Official petition to Facebook) and FB! Stop harassing Emma Kwasnica over her breastfeeding pics and nursing mothers everywhere, I’m posting a comic every hour all day long…comic #5


Man offscreen says, “Hey! You can’t be topless it’s illegal.”
Hathor responds, “I’m not topless, I’m breastfeeding.”
Man: I can see nipple! It’s against the law!
Hathor: You distracted me, it’s still legal!
Man: Sure as long as you don’t expose your breast! That’s illegal!
Hathor: Breastfeeding is legal and a little breast will be showed, that’s life.”
Man: It it means you’re going to expose your breasts then it’s illegal!
No nipples!
Hathor: Oh Yeah??!!!

Man comes into the frame, he’s shirtless, fat and hairy: Yeah! Nudity Laws, Lady!
Hathor thinks: Note to self, Nudity laws just be revealed.
Baby thinks: His breasts aren’t even someone’s dinner!

YouTube Proclamation

…In Honor of today’s Facebook Nurse-In, Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene! (Official petition to Facebook) and FB! Stop harassing Emma Kwasnica over her breastfeeding pics and nursing mothers everywhere, I’m posting a comic every hour all day long…comic #4


Mr. YouTube: …MySpace, FaceBook and YouTube do declare that from this day forward, there will be no images (still or video) of short little bald men chewing on breasts.

Hathor: Woah! Woah! Woah!
Those aren’t short little bald men, those are Babies! They’re eating! That’s how they’re fed! Are you kidding me with this?!

Mr. YouTube: Oh Well, we stand corrected. Yet the original intent of our proclamation remains….
Hathor: And your original intent is no images (still or video) of babies eating?
Mr. YouTube: Yep.
Hathor: sigh, it’s like talking to someone with a slippery grip on logic.
Mr. YouTube: At least we’re consistent.
Baby thinks: Cuckoo.

Seal of Approval

…In Honor of today’s Facebook Nurse-In, Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene! (Official petition to Facebook) and FB! Stop harassing Emma Kwasnica over her breastfeeding pics and nursing mothers everywhere, I’m posting a comic every hour all day long…comic #3


Images of breastfeeding babies. then a blank screen. Then the screen says: This video has been removed for indecent and inappropriate content. Then the screen says: Watch these other videos with the YouTube seal of approval:

  • Immature stunts
  • lascivious behavior
  • total creepiness
  • stuff that’s gross
  • Facebook’s Breastfeeding Photo Policy

    …In Honor of today’s Facebook Nurse-In, Hey Facebook, breastfeeding is not obscene! (Official petition to Facebook) and FB! Stop harassing Emma Kwasnica over her breastfeeding pics and nursing mothers everywhere, I’m posting a comic every hour all day long…comic #1

    The logic problem that is FaceBook’s Breastfeeding Photo Policy.
    man says, “We take ’em down and if you put ’em back we’ll suspend your account…it’s how we roll.

    But is this nudity? Or this? Or this?
    Is there a square inch nudity standard? do you use a ruler?

    Like this. So what about this? or this? Or this?

    Mama says, “yet in most communities it’s perfectly fine to breastfeed where ever you’re already entitled to be.”

    Facebook’s logic is illogical….