The Best Breastfeeding Comic of 2012?

(the question mark is because we’ve only gotten halfway through ;o)

Well my friends, we’ve reached the end of my 10 year retrospective, but the fun isn’t over. Next we’ll have a shirt give-away, and maybe a bag give-away, and how about a book give-away, too? And oh yeah, comics. Plus, I promised to get to making that volume 2 of the 2007 comics e-book, that’s on my list for pronto.

In the mean time, you’ve probably noticed that this here site is now members only. It’s only 9.99 for a whole year. This includes a free e-book (the Birth of Hathor- which is not ready to be downloaded yet, give me a few weeks) and access to every single comic that is posted on my site. I set it up the other day and have already had people join, thank you! If you gave me a donation in the last week, please e-mail me privately and I’ll add you as a member.

If you are a HUGE fan and you think that’s just not enough for how much joy the comics bring to your life then please consider becoming a ‘supporter’. That’s $5 a month, access to all the comics, the free e-book, discounts on calendars and books and shirts and loads of other stuff. You may even be called on to check my next book for typographical errors, you know, fun! Sign up to be a member or a supporter by registering in the top right corner of my blog:

Sharing a comic or linking to a comic that I posted on Facebook or on my blog is of course free and please do, lots! But, from this day forward, it costs $5 to ‘post’ a comic on Facebook or your website (hit the donation button and tell me which comic you’re posting and where)

There are, due to my attempt at monetization, no more ‘free’ comics, unless I periodically, or someone who sends me $5 posts them. This might seem scary, but I hope we will have many many comics out circulating in the world, just that some of you will be helping to kick in on the cost of publishing them! I know this may make you sad, but try and think back to how many times in the past 10 years my comics made you happy, concentrate on that feeling, take a deep breath and with that in mind, become a member. I thank you, truly I do

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